
Jun 17, 2009


Hi there!  I am fresh back from a pretty cool 6 days with my dearest lovely family in California over this past weekend.  It was great to be completely focused on the 3 of them for a chunk of time… we spent time with some of our most Beloveds, visited our old stomping grounds, celebrated 45 years of devotion with Rob’s parents and their friends, celebrated successful plane trips with the children, and had a really fun family day in San Francisco at the newly renovated California Academy of Science — which is where I will begin to share some of the many images from our journey!






i LOVED seeing the repuposed bits from the old museum/aquarium that i frequented as a wee person.  the alligator swamp was my FAVORITE thing in San Francisco as a kid.  The 2-headed snake was no longer there, but the seahorse railing was!


wonderment from my wonderguy.


the AMAZING rainforest exhibit…



the African Hall of Animals is beautifully rejuevenated.


seriously oddly enough, as we were leaving the building and its sold out to capacity-ness, across the crowd I spotted my long time BFF, Nicole with her sister and her boys.  the weirdest part is that she lives in Bend, we haven’t seen eachother in a long while, and we ran into eachother THERE in the crowd of all places!  KISMET. xoxo


more on our trip tomorrow, my sweet readers!



  1. Nicky from Canada says:

    Yah to successful planerides – I think that would have been my favorite part!!

  2. Anne says:

    I found your link through Facebook and wanted to say hello & tell you that I love your photos.

  3. Calvina says:

    so fun! we were just there recently too. 🙂 hope all is well jen!

  4. Rosa Linch says:

    I love the photos at the museum! So vivid::_+_

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