mama mini sessions at Spielwerk

May 22, 2010


well, HELLOOOOOOOO!  its been awhile.  i’m so terrible at keeping up a blog.  i want to. i really, really want to, but honestly — i am just so darned overwhelmed.  every. darn. day.  you know what does help though?  COMMENTS!  photographers love comments!  and feedback!  and connection!  so please do leave me a little comment.  it will make my heart happy!

Mother’s Day weekend I had the immense pleasure of partnering up again with Spielwerk Toys in North Portland to do the first annual Mama Mini Sessions!  We really wanted to give Mamas the opportunity to be IN FRONT of the camera looking lovely, rather than behind the lens as most of us tend to be.  You may know that I lost my Mom much too soon, and I grieve about the fact that there are so few photos of her because she was always the one documenting our family.  I try to make sure that when I work with clients, I always get some photos of the Mom.

These are the beautiful Mother’s who gracefully sat before my lens with their gorgeous children…

Many thanks to the women who participated, the amazing Sonja & Stacee of Spielwerk Toys for making it happen and giving me so much love & support always, the incredibly talented Pam of Ink & Peat for the gorgeous roses gifted to the Mamas, as well as Sara of Alma Chocolate who generously gifted them some of her amazing chocolates as well.



  1. vivienne says:

    what beautiful mamas and gorgeous photos!

  2. Libby Upham says:

    I so love the images you captured of me and my squirmy girl! What a wonderful gift to give my family, my daughter and to have for myself. Many, many thanks.

  3. Jen says:

    Jen, this was such a fun time! I received my prints this week and was again reminded of how delightful it is to work with you. Thanks again for sharing your amazing talent with us!

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