Zoë had her last day of Plant Potions Camp out at the lovely Zenger Farms today. The beautiful working urban farm has a rich century long history, and man do they put on an awesome summer camp… along with many other fabulous things. Families were invited out today for a feast, a performance, & a peek around the farm. Z had a really great time this week, and it was so fun to have her show us around — she was super excited, proud, and in her element. We’ll definitely be watching for their camp offerings next year!
Beautiful photos of the farm. We got married at Zenger farm, under the tree where Zoe and Sam are playing. I walked “down the aisle” along the row of fruit trees at the edge of the wetland. We spent time looking out over the wetland where Rob, Sam and Zoe are gazing. We now have a community garden on the other side of the bike path, inspired by the Zenger farm experience. Thanks for the sweet reminders. Check out some of my wedding pics on facebook and you’ll see the backdrop. You’ve inspired me to go back out there with our son and reminisce! Thanks!