Something major happened this weekend in our family. Our girl had her very first sleepover! Such a bittersweet thing… so happy for her to experience one of the great joys of growing up/so painfully aware of how grown up she is becoming. Rapidly. I admittedly spent the evening she was away sifting through photographs of her when she was small. Anyhoooo… it was huge for us all, and I guess the enormity of it inspired me to try to capture even more every day moments from my sweet little life than normal because this Sunday #3 is mighty image heavy. I hope you find these little moments even a fraction of as dear as I do.!
Sam was due for a haircut.
He got to give his Papa a little trim too. He did a spectacular job… just look at his concentration.
There is moss EVERYWHERE in Portland right now. This is our driveway.
I think they’re almost as pretty in death as they are alive.
Our favorite family spot.
Stop for a chai. I always stop to love on these outside of Townshend’s.
How he rolls.
Two of my favorite people on the planet.
And it was time to get the girl. These two are magic.
Then a quick stop for treats for the kids.
I love this Sundays project! Be sure to go check out what my delightful friends’ Sundays looked like too! Amy is here. Andrea is here.
you are a special mom, with a special family. and you know how to shine a spotlight on them so beautifully.
These are all so beautiful! I love every one of them, this Sundays project is going to be such a treasure when you’re done with it! It already is, I’m sure.
love all of these!